Upgrade DASH
Upgrading to new MARVELit code is a very simple process. The base code is distributed as a war file and can be easily be replaced on your DASH server. Ocasionally we make changes to the data model and if there are any - they will be included in the zip file as update.sql.
Instructions for upgrading MARVELit DASH
1. You will receive an email with instructions on how to download a new marvelit.zip file. Follow these instructions and save the zip file on your DASH server.
2. Unzip the file - it will contain a new marvelit.war file and if needed an update.sql file
3. Shutdown DASH per the instructions at Startup and Shutdown
4. Copy the /webapps/marvelit/WEB-INF/marvelit.properties file to another location on your hard drive. This file contains your default data sources and data maps. Failure to do this step will result in you having to reset your preferences.
5. Delete the /webapps/marvelit directory and the /webapps/marvelit.war file
6. Apply the update.sql file if needed to your DASH database - in the install instructions - this database was named marvelit. See
Build DASH Tables
7. Copy the marvelit.war file that was downloaded into the /webapps directory
8. Startup DASH per the instructions at Startup and Shutdown
The marvelit.war file is expanded and a new /webapps/marvelit directory is created with the new code.
9. Shutdown DASH per the instructions at Startup and Shutdown
10. Copy the marvelit.properties file saved in step 4 back to the /webapps/marvelit/WEB-INF directory - replace the file that is there. You preferences have now been restored.
11. Restart DASH per the instructions at Startup and Shutdown
You now have an updated set of MARVELit DASH code with your existing preferences re-applied.