Startup DASH and Update DASH Connection

From MT Marvelit
Revision as of 21:30, 25 January 2007 by Rmortensen (Talk | contribs)

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Start-up and Shutdown

Starting up the Jetspeed portal for the first time will expand all the wars and create a dashboard environment for you. The startup and shutdown scripts are in the /DASH/bin folder.


To start the portal on windows, navigate to the bin folder and double click on the startup.bat file. A DOS window id displayed and messages will display as the portal is started and WARs expanded. The first time the portal is started - it will expand the Jetspeed WARs and build initial configuration files.

Dash can be set to start as a service. See ------ for instructions on how to set this up. Once this done, you will start and stop DASH via services in the Windows Management panel. Dash can be set to start on Windows startup using this method.

To shutdown the portal - double click on shutdown.bat file or close the DOS window to shutdown the portal.

Macintosh, Linux or Unix

To start the portal - you need to execute several commands in a terminal session. Start terminal and navigate to the bin folder. You can navigate to the /DASH folder in the finder, type cd in your terminal window and drag the bin folder to your open terminal window. Terminal will place the path to that folder after your cd entry. Press enter to set the path.

To start the portal - type:

sudo ./ start

Hit the return key. Enter your admin password and hit return. Several messages will display. If there is a JAVA_HOME error - it will display in the window.

To shutdown the portal - type:

sudo ./ stop

Hit the return key. Enter your admin password and hit return. Several messages will display. To close the terminal window - type logout and hit enter.

Execute Startup Scripts

Execute the startup script for your platform.

After the portal is started - wait several minutes DASH to startup.

Login as Admin

Access your DASH installation by entering the following address in your browser:

http://localhost:8080/jetspeed - this assumes that you are accessing on your machine - otherwise change localhost to a server name or ip address.

The new Login page is displayed:


Login as admin with your new password.

Enter License Key and Verify Default Database Settings

MARVELit should have sent you an email with a license key. If you want to use DASH for a trial period, the key will allow dash to be used for 30 days. If you have purchased a lcense, your key will never expire.

The process to enter your key is the same - after logging in as an admin - select Jetspeed Administration Portlets and pull down to MARVELit Admin


Selecting MARVELit Administration displays a page for entering the MARVELit License Key, setting the default data source, setting data maps and adding/updating data sources. See Administration Portlets for more information on the Administrative portlets.

The first entry is for entering the MARVELit License key. Copy and paste the key that you received during the trial or purchase registration process. DASH will not operate without a valid License Key entered into this field.


Under the License Key are the database connectivity settings for the DASH database. In a previous step you restored tables onto a mysql database. See Build Dash Tables

The default DASH connection is displayed: dash database on mysql on the localhost machine with user and password of marvelit. If you restored to another location or used a different database or names - set your values here.

After pasting in the key and verifying the default DASH database connection - scroll down several pages - pass the data map section and click the Save Properties button.
