Meter Portlet

From MT Marvelit
Revision as of 05:13, 22 September 2006 by Rmortensen (Talk | contribs)

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Meter and Dial charts are displayed using the MarvelIT Meter Portlet.

Select Datasource: The datasource used to execute the query for this report.

Select from Saved Query: A list of saved queries (from the Meter table).

Parameter List: List of Parameters, separated by a space. Is available when selecting a saved query. See Parameter section below.

Title: Title of the report.



Meter Angle:

Saved Chart Name: Name of the meter (displayed in the Saved Query list). Admin only.

SQL: SQL Query used to populate the report. Admin only.

Display Details: Display SQL Results as a report above or below.

Column Format XML: Field for entering XML formating for the report. See Format Portlets using XML for additional information on XML formatting.

Cancel: Cancel changes and display the report.

Save: Save changes and display the report.

Completed Report Portlet


Here is a completed Completed Chart Portlet. Several things to point out:

Parameters: Entering Valid Lever Names ( see Levers Portlet ) in the Parameter List field - causes the portlet to refresh and fields are displayed for entering default values for each lever. In this example: the wildcard for the database is entered. Any value for that particular lever can be entered as a default value.

Parameters in SQL: The Levers are entered into the example SQL as follows:

  • xtab_value_description = '$P{Value} and metric_code = '$P{MetricCode} and salesorgname = '$P{SalesOrg}'
  • When the pane is displayed - those levers will appear at the top of the pane. Selecting values for them and clicking the GO button - will cause the portlet to refresh and the lever values will be used in the SQL statement.


Parameters in Titles:

Here is the displayed report from the Report Portlet example:
